Thursday, March 27, 2008

Orcivus - Consummatum Est

The following link was taken from , many cheers to them...

Band: Orcivus
Origin: Sweden
Genre: black metal
Album Release Date: 2008
Status: Active
Band Official Site:

average bit rate: ~270kbps/44khz

DOWNLOAD: Orcivus - Consummatum Est(2008)

...Typically sharp, neo-orthodox Black Metal of Swedish kind, as known by many because of various known groups. At full length however, "Consummatum Est" is making a bit more "fun"...
Apart from several flaws in the execution, Orcivus' debut makes a healthy impression in the scene's radar. Since the whole thing is furthermore performed in a somewhat "likeable" manner, I'll give one more point than once planned. And since the band is already working on the next album, the lean period should also be kept low. Recommended!... read the review here

DOWNLOAD: Orcivus - Consummatum Est(2008)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


994 Depressive Black Metal mini-LP.

Considered by the scene as years ahead of its time. The group supposedly split in 1995, and chances of this band reforming are next to impossible, as Storm (vocals and founding member) committed suicide in 2001.

Strid - Strid (EP) [1994]

Download Here

pass: attila

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Monday, March 24, 2008


Most of these links come from the following sites:

Keep in mind that this blog is mainly for myself, a collection of albums and bands that I myself enjoy, I will however try and focus somewhat on icelandic black metal.


This is quite a find, a somewhat enigmatic Ukranian band led by one Roman Saenko, who apparently fronts a couple of other Ukranian black metal bands, among them Hate Forest. Autumn Aurora, the second of three Drudkh releases, is a fine example of the sort of atmospheric, laid-back pagan black metal that Burzum made popular several years ago, with some similarities to other bands such as Primordial and perhaps early Empyrium. The guitars ebb and flow, the vocals sparse and distant, the mood wintry and frozen, clearly influenced by the Norwegian scene though not the blastbeat variety. Very well done.

Drukdh - Forgotten Legends [ 2003 ]

Download here

Drudkh - Autumn Aurora [ 2004 ]

Download here

Drudkh - The Swan Road [ 2005 ]

Download here

Drudkh - Blood In Our Wells [ 2006 ]

Download here

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Drudkh - Estrangement [2007]

Download Here

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Dark / Black Metal band from Grevenbroich (Germany). Formed in 1991. 5 full albums (1994 - 2004). Many of Bethlehem's songs have morbid and sick lyrics, which may for the most part be personal to the band. Over the years Bethlehem modernized their style and so the early Black and Doom metal influences are now hardly present, the band favouring a more Neue Deutsche Härte (New German Hardness), Gothic and Electronic approach.

Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare [ 1996 ]

Download here

Bethlehem - Sardonischer Untergang Im Zeichen Irreligiöser Darbietung [ 1998 ]

Download here

Bethlehem - Schatten Aus Der Alexander Welt [ 2001 ]

Download here

Thanks a LOT to Carlos_Abbath for the link :)

Buy it if you like it !!


Mütiilation is a one-man black metal band that was affiliated with the Les Légions Noires (or LLN). It was formed in 1991 by Willy Roussel (Meyhna'ch), and soon after became affiliated with the LLN. After their first full length, Vampires Of Black Imperial Blood (which was also the only LLN full length), Mütiilation were removed from the LLN due to Willy's drug problems. They are also the only band ever affiliated with the LLN that has kept going after 1998. Mütiilation is still around today.

Mütiilation - Rites Through the Twilight of Hell (Demo) [1992]

Download here

Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood [1995]

Download here

Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul [1999]

Download here

Mütiilation - Black Millennium (Grimly Reborn) [2001]

Download here

Mütiilation - Rattenkönig [2005]

Download here

all pass : attila

Buy it if you like it !!

Blut Aus Nord

One of France's true innovators in the black metal scene, Blut Aus Nord came into being in the mid-nineties and released a few albums to some fanfare, but it's The Work That Transforms God, released in 2003, where things really get interesting. The basics of this album is an odd, very dissonant, tone-warped guitar sound, complex programmed drums, frequent ambient interludes surrounding the harsher numbers, topped with mostly typical (and often processed) black metal rasps, with songs ranging in tempo from rapid-fire speed to almost doom droning. Yet this description doesn't quite convey how unique this album is. It's harrowing, evil stuff, and while it's undeniably heavy, it doesn't resort to mindless bludgeoning like many modern black metal bands do. With The Work That Transforms God, Blut Aus Nord have acheived something nearly impossible -- their style is clearly within the confines of true black metal, and yet this album sounds like no other band. [ BNR]

The Work Which Transforms God [2003]

Velvet cacoon

American Ambient/Black Metal band.

The band claims to be highly influenced by drugs especially Dextromethorphan (DXM).

Velvet Cacoon - Chapelflames (Red Steeples) [2003]

Download Here

Velvet Cacoon - Dextronaut [2002]

Download Here

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Lurker Of Chalice

A side-project of the artist known as "Wrest" whose main musical outlet is known as Leviathan. Wrest plays all the instruments and does all the recording himself. Disbanded in 2003-2004 due to Wrest not having enough time to continue the project. According to a 2004 interview with Wrest there are 4 unreleased full-length albums by Lurker of Chalice. Lurker of Chalice has signed to End All Life Productions for a new full length album

Lurker Of Chalice - Lurker Of Chalice [2005]

Download here

Buy it if you like it !!

Weakling - Dead As Dreams

American Ambient/Black Metal

A rather notorious band, very well known nowadays. This is their one and only release since the band broke up around 2000. This release has been re-released by Aquarius Records.

Weakling-Dead As Dreams [2000]

Download Here

Caina - When We Are Grown, We Will Be Strong (demo)

First demo by England's Caina. Harsh black metal mixed with post-rock and shoegazish elements. Much like a harsher Le Secret-era Alcest. Gaining notoriety in black metal circles worldwide


No place to buy this one folks, eBay or find a willing trader.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


These guys are from greece, not a country that i usually connect with good music.
And yeah, they are good...

His Majesty At The Swamp (1993)

Tracklisting ::
01. His Majesty at the Swamp
02. Son of the Moon (Act II)
03. Unholy Funeral
04. Lustful Father
05. Nightly Kingdoms
06. Flowers of My Youth
07. The River of My Souls
08. The Tressrising of Nyarlathothep (Act I)
D ownload ::


Thorns - Grymyrk (Demo) (1991)


1. Lovely Children
2. Fall
3. Thule
4. Fairytales
5. Home
6. You that Mingle May

Download Link::


Thorns - Trøndertun (Demo) (1992)

No Cover


1. Aerie Descent
2. Funeral Marches to the Grave

Download Link::


Thorns vs. Emperor (Split) (1999)

user posted image


CD 1
1. Exördium (Emperor)
2. Ærie Descent (Thorns)
3. I Am (Emperor)
4. Ærie Descent (Emperor)
5. Thus March The Nightspirit (Emperor)
6. Melas Khole (Thorns)
7. The Discipline Of Earth (Thorns)
8. Cosmic Keys (Thorns)

CD 2 {”1989 - 91 Rehearsals” with the two Thorns} (Demo)

1. Aerie Descent
2. Funeral Marches To The Grave
3. Lovely Children
4. Fall
5. Thule
6. Fairytales
7. Home
8. You That Mingle May

Download Link::
CD 1


CD 2



No collection is complete without Darkthrone

Darkthrone - Soulside Journey (1991)

user posted image


01. Cromlech
02. Sunrise Over Locus Mortis
03. Soulside Journey
04. Accumulation of Generalization
05. Neptune Towers
06. Sempiternal Sepulchrality
07. Grave with a View
08. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia
09. Nor the Silent Whispers
10. The Watchtower
11. Eon

Download Link::


Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky (1992)

user posted image


1. Kathaarian Life Code
2. In The Shadow of the Horns
3. Paragon Belial
4. Where Cold Winds Blow
5. A Blaze in the Northern Sky
6. The Pagan Winter

Download Link::


Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon (1993)

user posted image


1. Natassja in Eternal Sleep
2. Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust
3. The Dance of Eternal Shadows
4. Unholy Black Metal
5. To Walk the Infernal Fields
6. Under a Funeral Moon
7. Inn i De Dype Skogers Favn (Into the Embrace of the Deep Woods)
8. Crossing the Triangle of Flames

Download Link::


Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger (1994)

user posted image


1. Transilvanian Hunger
2. Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner
3. Skald Av Satans Sol
4. Slottet I Det Fjerne
5. Graven Takeheimens Saler
6. I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjшd
7. As Flittermice As Satans Spys
8. En As I Dype Skogen

Download Link::


Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky (Remastered) (2003)

user posted image


1. Kathaarian Life Code
2. In The Shadow of the Horns
3. Paragon Belial
4. Where Cold Winds Blow
5. A Blaze in the Northern Sky
6. The Pagan Winter

Download Link::


Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon (Remastered) (2003)

user posted image


1. Natassja in Eternal Sleep
2. Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust
3. The Dance of Eternal Shadows
4. Unholy Black Metal
5. To Walk the Infernal Fields
6. Under a Funeral Moon
7. Inn i De Dype Skogers Favn (Into the Embrace of the Deep Woods)
8. Crossing the Triangle of Flames

Download Link::


Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger (Remastered) (2003)

user posted image


1. Transilvanian Hunger
2. Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner
3. Skald Av Satans Sol
4. Slottet I Det Fjerne
5. Graven Takeheimens Saler
6. I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjшd
7. As Flittermice As Satans Spys
8. En As I Dype Skogen

Download Link::


Darkthrone - Panzerfaust (1995)

user posted image


1. En Vind Av Sorg
2. Triumphant Gleam
3. The Hordes Of Nebulah
4. Hans Siste Vinter
5. Beholding The Throne of Might
6. Quintessence
7. Snш Og Granskog (Utferd)

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Darkthrone - Goatlord (1996)

user posted image


1. Rex
2. Pure Demoniac Blessing
3. (The) Grimness Of Which Shepards Mourn
4. Sadomasochistic Rites
5. As Desertshadows
6. In His Lovely Kingdom
7. Black Daimon
8. Toward(s) The Thornfields
9. (Birth Of Evil) Virgin Sin
10. Green Cave Float

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Darkthrone - Total Death (1996)

user posted image


1. Earth’s Last Picture
2. Blackwinged
3. Gather For Attack On The Pearly Gates
4. Black Victory Of Death
5. Majestic Desolate Eye
6. Blasphemer
7. Ravnajuv
8. The Serpents Harvest

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Darkthrone - Ravishing Grimness (1999)

user posted image


1. Lifeless
2. The Beast
3. The Claws Of Time
4. Across The Vacuum
5. Ravishing Grimness
6. To the Death (Under The King)

Download Link::


Darkthrone - Plaguewielder (2001)

user posted image


1. Weakling Avenger
2. Raining Murder
3. Sin Origin
4. Command
5. I, Voidhanger
6. Wreak

Download Link::


Darkthrone - Hate Them (2003)

user posted image


1. Rust
2. Det Svartner Nе
3. Fucked Up And Ready To Die
4. Ytterst I Livet
5. Divided We Stand
6. Striving For A Piece Of Lucifer
7. In Honour Of Thy Name

Download Link::


Darkthrone - Sardonic Wrath (2004)

user posted image


1. Order Of The Ominous
2. Information Wants To Be Syndicated
3. Sjakk Matt Jesu Krist
4. Straightening Sharks In Heaven
5. Alle Gegen Alle
6. Man Tenker Sitt
7. Sacrificing To The God Of Doubt
8. Hate Is The Law
9. Rawness Obsolete

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Darkthrone - F.O.A.D. {Fuck Off And Die} (2007)

user posted image


1. These Shores Are Damned
2. Canadian Metal
3. The Church of Real Metal
4. The Banners of Old
5. Fuck Off and Die
6. Splitkein Fever
7. Raised on Rock
8. Pervertor of the 7 Gates
9. Wisdom of the Dead

Download Link::


Rebirth Of Nefast

Rebirth Of Nefast (Germany) - Only Death (2006)

1. Wrapped in the Earth 14:37
2. Flaming the Inner Sanctum 07:32
3. That Deathly Aura 10:47

Total playing time 32:16

Genre: Black Metal
Label: Debemur Morti Productions
Release: 2006Download ::

Click here!!!


Buy if you like.

Priestermord (Germany)

Vernichtungsfeldzug (1997)

Tracklisting ::

01. Vernichtungsfeldzug
02. Dämonentanz
03. Endlösung
04. Terror, Tod und Teufel
05. Die Schlacht
06. Hail Sathanas
07. Herrin des Grauens Elisabeth Bathory

Total playing time 20:15

Download ::

Die Erben(1993)

Tracklisting ::

01. Priestermörder
02. Satans Rache
03. Eine kalte dunkle Nacht
04. Werwolf
05. Blutiger Sturm
06. Könige der Nacht
07. Tod vom Norden
08. Vampir
09. Die Erben des Bösen

Total playing time 24:52

Download ::

Ondskapt (Sweden)

Draco Sit Mihi Dux (2003)

Tracklisting ::
01. I
02. II
03. III
04. IV
05. V
06. VI

Download ::

Corpus Christii (Portugal)

The Torment Continues (2005)

Tracklisting ::
01. Crimson Hour
02. The Ascendance
03. My Eyes Empty
04. Behold the Light
05. Soaked in Your Blood
06. Bitter Blood
07. Lifetime of Suffering
08. My End
09. Untitled

Download ::

Peste noire (Fra)

Panégyrique de la dégénerescence

Tracklisting ::

01 Nous Sommes Fanés
02 Le Mort Joyeux
03 Laus Tibi Domine
04 Spleen
05 Phalčnes Et Pestilence - Salvatrice Averse
06 Retour De Flamme (Hooligan Black Metal)
07 Dueil Angoisseus (Christine De Pisan, 1362-1431)
08 Des Médecins Malades Et Des Saints Séquestrés

Download ::

Leviathan (US)

Leviathan - The Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide (2003)

user posted image


1. Introit
2. Fucking Your Ghost in Chains of Ice
3. Sardoniscorn
4. The Bitter Emblem of Dissolve
5. Scenic Solitude and Leprosy
6. He Whom Shadows Move Towards
7. Submersed
8. Mine Molten Armor
9. The Idiot Sun
10. At the Door to the Tenth Sub Level of Suicide

Download Link::

Leviathan - Tentacles Of Whorror (2004)

user posted image


1. What Fresh Hell
2. Heir to the Noose of Ghoul
3. Cut, With the Night Into Mine Heart
4. A Bouquet of Blood For Skull
5. Deciphering Legend Within the Serpent’s Briar
6. A Necessary Mutilation
7. Vexed and Vomit Hexed
8. Tentacles of Whorror (Revel the Tyrant)
9. Requiem For a Turd World
10. Blood Red and True: Part 3 (Plummeting Obscure)
11. Mouth Orifice Bizarre
12. The History of Rape

Download Link::

Leviathan - Demos Two Thousand (Best Of/Compilation) (2005)

user posted image


1. Sodomize the Golden
2. Intro / Give War a Chance
3. Opaque
4. Mudhole
5. Prevail in Decay
6. Thy Lacerations

Download Link::

Leviathan - Howl Mockery At The Cross (Best Of/Compilation) (2005)

user posted image


1. Summoning Lupine
2. Lycanthropus Rex
3. The Axis and Maw of Inferno, Mine
4. Where Annihilation Dwells
5. Liar of Nazareth
6. Just Under Tainted Grace
7. S.W.O.L. (2001)
8. Never For Peace
9. Those Slimy Things
10. Nothing Changes (Death In June Cover)

Download Link::




November 8, 2007 at 5:59 pm (Depressive/Suicidal Black Metal)

Draugar - Silence And Suffering (Demo) (2003)

user posted image


1. Gladly Fading/Suicidal Conclusions
2. Anxiety Of Times And Here
3. Impossible Unattainable
4. Storming The Pigeonhearted/Waring One, Once
5. Hatefully Hunting Christ’s Flocks
6. Far Too Late
7. Dead Dreams/I Menace

Download Link::